For Educators

For Educators

For Educators

For Educators

They made it easy to find out information. I feel like I genuinely learned more doing them.

They made it easy to find out information. I feel like I genuinely learned more doing them.

They made it easy to find out information. I feel like I genuinely learned more doing them.

- Pilar, 12th grade


What can Siitch do for you?

What can Siitch do for you?

What can Siitch do for you?

Siitch makes learning engaging and fun. Siitch is a unique SUSTAINABILITY APP that raises awareness of our impact on the planet. The accompanying lesson plans help students think critically by showing the environmental cost of what they eat, buy, and their habits. We're STARTING WITH WATER, and other information like recycling and composting.

Siitch makes learning engaging and fun. Siitch is a unique SUSTAINABILITY APP that raises awareness of our impact on the planet. The accompanying lesson plans help students think critically by showing the environmental cost of what they eat, buy, and their habits. We're STARTING WITH WATER, and other information like recycling and composting.

Siitch makes learning engaging and fun. Siitch is a unique SUSTAINABILITY APP that raises awareness of our impact on the planet. The accompanying lesson plans help students think critically by showing the environmental cost of what they eat, buy, and their habits. We're STARTING WITH WATER, and other information like recycling and composting.

Siitch makes learning engaging and fun. Siitch is a unique SUSTAINABILITY APP that raises awareness of our impact on the planet. The accompanying lesson plans help students think critically by showing the environmental cost of what they eat, buy, and their habits. We're STARTING WITH WATER, and other information like recycling and composting.

A chicken, cow, banana, plastic cup and pair of jeans.
A chicken, cow, banana, plastic cup and pair of jeans.
A chicken, cow, banana, plastic cup and pair of jeans.
A white board with a QR code in the center.
A white board with a QR code in the center.
A white board with a QR code in the center.

How does it work?

How does it work?

How does it work?

1) Project the QR code on your whiteboard

2) Students download the app (no emails, names, IDs or passwords required)

3) Hand out the worksheets and begin!

1) Project the QR code on your whiteboard

2) Students download the app (no emails, names, IDs or passwords required)

3) Hand out the worksheets and begin!

Keeping it simple & secure

Keeping it simple & secure

Keeping it simple & secure

While in BETA, we do not need, collect nor want student email addresses. Teachers simply share a QR code with their class. The app will terminate after 90 days and can easily be reinstalled.

While in BETA, we do not need, collect nor want student email addresses. Teachers can share a QR code with their class. The app will terminate after 90 days and can easily be reinstalled.

While in BETA, we do not need, collect nor want student email addresses. Teachers simply share a QR code with their class. The app will terminate after 90 days and can easily be reinstalled.

A giant lock to indicate no email, passwords or account required.
A giant lock to indicate no email, passwords or account required.
A giant lock to indicate no email, passwords or account required.
A student's real graph showing the amount of single use items they use every year.
A student's real graph showing the amount of single use items they use every year.
A student's real graph showing the amount of single use items they use every year.
Red plastic cup.

1,300 Plastic Cups

1,300 Plastic Cups

1,300 Plastic Cups

The number of cups that Kyle, a 10th grade student realized he consumed in one year completing Lesson No. 2: 'The 9 R's of Sustainability & the Circular Economy'

The number of cups that Kyle, a 10th grade student realized he consumed in one year completing Lesson No. 2: 'The 9 R's of Sustainability & the Circular Economy'

The number of cups that Kyle, a 10th grade student realized he consumed in one year completing Lesson No. 2: 'The 9 R's of Sustainability & the Circular Economy'

The number of cups that Kyle, a 10th grade student realized he consumed in one year completing Lesson No. 2: 'The 9 R's of Sustainability & the Circular Economy'

A pizza.
A pizza.

1 pizza

1 pizza

320 gallons

320 gallons

(1,257 liters)

(1,257 liters)

How do we change student behavior?

How do we change student behavior?

How do we change student behavior?

Change starts with awareness. The Siitch app allows students to PLAY with their own numbers. The variety of lessons integrates everyday, real-world siitchuations and ENGAGES them to take action.

Change starts with awareness. The Siitch app allows students to PLAY with their own numbers. The variety of lessons integrates everyday, real-world siitchuations and ENGAGES them to take action.

Change starts with awareness. The Siitch app allows students to PLAY with their own numbers. The variety of lessons integrates everyday, real-world siitchuations and ENGAGES them to take action.

Change starts with awareness. The Siitch app allows students to PLAY with their own numbers. The variety of lessons integrates everyday, real-world siitchuations and ENGAGES them to take action.

Tea vs coffee illustration showing how much water it takes to make each.
Tea vs coffee illustration showing how much water it takes to make each.
Tea vs coffee illustration showing how much water it takes to make each.

How do we


decision making?

How do we


decision making?

How do we


decision making?

Give all of your lessons & your students CONTEXT by letting them calculate how much they can REDUCE their footprint with micro-actions.

Give all of your lessons & your students CONTEXT by letting them calculate how much they can REDUCE their footprint with micro-actions.

Give all of your lessons & your students CONTEXT by letting them calculate how much they can REDUCE their footprint with micro-actions.

Give all of your lessons & your students CONTEXT by letting them calculate how much they can REDUCE their footprint with micro-actions.

Detailed example of the compare tool.
Detailed example of the compare tool.
Detailed example of the compare tool.
Detailed example of the compare tool.

Let them play, personalize

& SEE their impact

Let them play, personalize

& SEE their impact

Let them play, personalize

& SEE their impact

Let them play, personalize

& SEE their impact

Lessons Aligned to National Standards

Lessons Aligned to National Standards

Lessons Aligned to National Standards

Graphing Exercises

Graphing Exercises

Graphing Exercises







Google Drive

Google Drive

Google Drive

Detailed example of the calculator tool.
Detailed example of the calculator tool.
Detailed example of the calculator tool.
Detailed example of the calculator tool.

Lesson Plan No. 16 - Preview

Lesson Plan No. 16 - Preview

Lesson Plan No. 16 - Preview

Lesson Plan No. 16 - Preview

What's the Impact of What You're Wearing RIGHT NOW?

What's the Impact of What You're Wearing RIGHT NOW?

What's the Impact of What You're Wearing RIGHT NOW?

What's the Impact of What You're Wearing RIGHT NOW?

Expandable preview of a lesson plan specifically for teachers.
Expandable preview of a lesson plan specifically for teachers.
Expandable preview of a lesson plan specifically for teachers.
Expandable preview of a lesson plan specifically for teachers.

show more

A student's graph from a completed lesson plan showing the water footprint of their wardrobe.
A student's graph from a completed lesson plan showing the water footprint of their wardrobe.
A student's graph from a completed lesson plan showing the water footprint of their wardrobe.

Popular lessons

Popular lessons

Popular lessons

  • The 9 R's of Sustainability

  • Environmental Impact: 2 Families: 2 Diets, compared

  • What does it take to make your jeans?

  • What's the impact of your entire wardrobe?

  • The 9 R's of Sustainability

  • Environmental Impact: 2 Families: 2 Diets, compared

  • What does it take to make your jeans?

  • What's the impact of what you're wearing RIGHT NOW?

  • Recipe Breakdown - the water impact of one meal

  • The 9 R's of Sustainability

  • Environmental Impact: 2 Families: 2 Diets, compared

  • What does it take to make your jeans?

  • What's the impact of what you're wearing RIGHT NOW?

  • Recipe Breakdown - the water impact of one meal

  • The 9 R's of Sustainability

  • Environmental Impact: 2 Families: 2 Diets, compared

  • What does it take to make your jeans?

  • What's the impact of your entire wardrobe?

Expect to see this in class

Expect to see this in class

Expect to see this in class

"1,847 gallons of water to make one pound of beef? I had no idea!" - David, 10th grade.

The first essential step to change is awareness, but awareness is not enough. Providing action plans is the larger goal.

"1,847 gallons of water to make one pound of beef? I had no idea!" - David, 10th grade.

The first essential step to change is awareness, but awareness is not enough. Providing action plans is the larger goal.

"1,847 gallons of water to make one pound of beef? I had no idea!" - David, 10th grade.

The first essential step to change is awareness, but awareness is not enough. Providing action plans is the larger goal.

"1,847 gallons of water to make one pound of beef? I had no idea!" - David, 10th grade.

The first essential step to change is awareness, but awareness is not enough. Providing action plans is the larger goal.

Young boy pointing at his phone with a shocked expression.
Hands holding a sign that says make a difference with the earth in the corner.

Priority #1

Priority #1

Priority #1

Show students that they have an amazing opportunity to make the world better, and show them that they can make an IMMEDIATE impact today.

Show students that we have an amazing opportunity to make the world better, and show them that they can make an IMMEDIATE impact today.

Show students that we have an amazing opportunity to make the world better, and show them that they can make an IMMEDIATE impact today.

Show students that they have an amazing opportunity to make the world better, and show them that they can make an IMMEDIATE impact today.




The App & Lesson Plans

Our How, Our Why

What we'll share via Google Drive

Privacy concerns: are you going track my students? NO!


I requested but still haven't received the app or lesson plans

The App & Lesson Plans

Our How, Our Why

What we'll share via Google Drive

Privacy concerns: are you going track my students? NO!


I requested but still haven't received the app or lesson plans

The App & Lesson Plans

Our How, Our Why

What we'll share via Google Drive

Privacy concerns: are you going track my students? NO!


I requested but still haven't received the app or lesson plans

The App & Lesson Plans

Our How, Our Why

What we'll share via Google Drive

Privacy concerns: are you going track my students? NO!


I requested but still haven't received the app or lesson plans

While in private BETA, our social media will be limited. Thank you for understanding.

While in private BETA, our social media will be limited. Thank you for understanding.

While in private BETA, our social media will be limited. Thank you for understanding.

While in private BETA, our social media will be limited. Thank you for understanding.